Teddy Bear’s Travels is a unique event in which a class, infant department or a whole school can get involved.
St Andrew’s Hospice will send participating schools an education pack and resources along with a Hospice Teddy Bear.
The Hospice Teddy Bear is the focal point of the learning, making it the perfect mix of education and fun.
Participating schools and nurseries are asked to hold their own Teddy Bear themed fundraising activity during the first week of May; however this is not restrictive and the beauty of this programme is that it can be done at any time of the year – helping suit the needs of Nurseries and Primary Schools.
With over 3000 pupils taking part in this event annually, it is good fun and good learning all for a great cause.
- We will send you your very own Hospice Teddy Bear which we hope will have an amazing adventure with the children in your nursery/playgroup/class
- We will provide you with a free educational resource pack with lots of activities and planning materials which link directly to the Curriculum for Excellence. This will enable pupils to discover about being Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Confident Individuals and Successful Learners
- Pupils will be given sponsor forms (optional) and will be asked to raise money for St Andrew’s Hospice by taking part in Teddy Bear’s Travels
- During the first week of May, we would ask schools to host a Teddy themed event at your establishment. If this time isn’t suitable, we are happy for you to arrange another date that suits your school
- Share Teddy’s experiences with our Hospice team. We can share your activities with the Teddy on our social media channels.
For further information, please contact our School Liaison Team on 01236 772081.