Assemblies & Educational Talks

Assemblies & Educational TalksThe Schools, Colleges and Communities team can come and visit your school, college or youth group and deliver talks to your students on:

  • Health talks including advice about diet, exercise and happiness
  • Eco talks including information about recycling, how you can make a difference to the environment and how recycling can help the Hospice
  • World of work talks about the careers at St Andrew’s Hospice
  • Citizenship and what makes a good citizen
  • Other educational talks that link into student learning can be provided. If you’d like to make a request, please feel free to ask the team
  • Talks can be delivered to full school assemblies, youth club or smaller classes – if you let us know the size of the group, we can alter our presentation to suit.

These talks are an amazing opportunity to meet and thank you and let you know how important your support is. It also offers an opportunity for our team to help meet the educational needs of the children and young people of Lanarkshire.

If you are interested in one of our team delivering a talk to your school or youth group, please contact us on 01236 766951 or e-mail [email protected]