Hospice announces collaboration with MS Society Lanarkshire group

Hospice announces collaboration with MS Society Lanarkshire groupSt Andrew’s Hospice are pleased to announce a joint collaboration with the MS Society Lanarkshire Group.

The Hospice has supported people affected by MS for many years. First, through the St Andrew’s MS group (SAMS). Now, it has been agreed that the MS Society Lanarkshire Group will run a monthly ‘Chill & Chat’ group within the Hospice.

The first Chill & Chat will take place on 23rd January 2020 from 12noon – 2pm.

It is hoped that all affected by MS will come along and meet new friends and share ideas.

Let’s take this social group forward.

Whether you have MS or it has affected your family or friends, come along and be part of this new opportunity and find out what’s available for you.

This will be YOUR  group and you will have a voice in how the group will be run for your benefit. Make this group work for you!

All ideas, suggestions and experiences are most welcome!

Come along and meet representatives of the Society for a cuppa and a chat.